Abbreviations: ch – chain; ch- – refers to chain previously made; ch-sp – chain space; dc – double crochet; beg ch – beginning chain space. Level: beginner. Tip: Before committing yourself to a larger project, learn the new stitch on a smaller swatch. Work a loose chain from multiples of 6, plus 3 extra chains…
My soft spot for crocheting (the end of the saga)
Dear Reader, This post’s title says that this is the end of the saga, but I really hope that this is not really the end. Today’s post will include things that I omitted or forgot about in the previous posts and a few personal thoughts based on my experience so far. If you are…
My soft spot for crocheting (the sequel)
Dear Reader, This week I’ve been on listening to music spree. That is why I’ve been dragging the subject about crocheting for so long. But today this post will be more to the point. Last time I said I was invited to go to Ireland for the summer, in 2012. While staying there, I…
My soft spot for crocheting (the beginnings)
Dear Reader, Fall has come. A few days ago I woke up in the morning and asked my sis (her name is Ana) to bring me a pair of socks to put on. Then, I wrapped myself as best as I could in the <strong>zig-zagy blanket</strong> that I crocheted two and a half years…
The Old
Dear Visitors, Catalina, the founder of, would like to apologize for the inconvenience of visiting an empty site. Sadly, she got ill in November 2013 and lost her sight and hearing. While in the hospital, she couldn’t manage the site anymore, the web hosting deadline was missed and all her work was lost in…