Dear crafters, Knowing how to crochet the triple crochet stitch is a must while learning how to crochet. The triple crochet stitch is one of the most basic stitches, along the single crochet stitch, the double crochet stitch and the half double crochet stitch. The triple crochet stitch is the most elongated stitch, besides the…
Category: Beginners Stitches
Photo Tutorial – How To Crochet The Double Crochet Stitch
Dear Artsy Craftsy Friends , My sister and I put together a new photo tutorial on how to crochet the double crochet stitch which is one of the most basic crochet stitches . Many patterns are based on the double crochet stitch , along the single , half double and triple crochet stitches . We…
How to crochet The Half Double Crochet Stitch
Dear Artsy Craftsy Friends , Welcome once again to a new photo tutorial that my sister , Ana Maria , and I put together for you . Today’s written instructions follow the series of photo tutorials for the most basic crochet stitches which , if mastered , will allow you to experiment all sorts of…
How To Crochet The Shell Stitch
Dear Artsy Craftsy Friends , Glad to meet you once again for a catch up on my crochet blog . I’ve been abusing the crocodile stitch quite a lot lately to make baby blankets , pillow cases , shawls , hats , scarves and mittens . Up until the moment my inner voice whispered to…
Photo Tutorial – How To Crochet The Single Crochet Stitch
Dear Artsy Craftsy Friends , The photo tutorial on how to crochet the single crochet stitch was originally published in late 2013 , but the written instructions were lost during the time spent in the hospital , when I did not renew the hosting for this website . So the photos have been pending and…
How to crochet the Granny on the Straight stitch
Dear Artsy Craftsy Friends, In this post we will teach you how to crochet the Granny on the Straight stitch. This stitch originates from the Traditional Granny Square. Unlike the traditional Granny square, the Granny on the Straight stitch is worked on the long or on the wide in straight rows (thus the name). It…
How to crochet The Slip Stitch
Dear Artsy Craftsy Friends, In today’s photo tutorial, we will show you how to crochet the slip stitch. It is a very easy technique in crocheting and it is very useful when finishing a crochet project, or joining parts of a crochet project, like granny squares for a blanket, for example. We could say, it…